Harry Sy.red Home

Welcome to HarrySy.red

My name is Harry Syred (quite a smart domain, ik).
I am a Student in University currently studying Software Engineering Student living on a pair of island off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe, called The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
I am an avid user of a few OSes Arch Linux, Fedora Linux and Debian GNU/Linux. I hate JS, love Python3 and Kotlin and currently learning C.

Now that you know me your probably wandering:

What is this site

This site is a portfolio of all my greatest achievements and maybe some downfalls if they were good. I will be making pages on web apps, android applications, reports, and other things I've done and so on.

So onto the projects:


Dots and Boxes AppA dots and boxes game where you can play against a computer, a friend or yourself. It has two types of AI (easy, hard) and hard won't absolutely destroy you.
NeoCities BlogA static blog with commented code
Artic FoxA self-hostable BYOD (bring your own database) search engine, even though you connect to it through a web browser it can't make contact to the outside world

Contact Info

If you want to contact me I have preferred method for most reasons, please read my Contact Me Page.